Today I Learned Notes to self about software development

    form_with multipart data

    This whole time I thought I needed to do this for supporting files in forms:

      form_with(model: attachment, html: { enctype: "multipart/form-data"} ) 

    but it turns out you can actually just do this:

    form_with(model: attachment, multipart: true)

    which is cleaner and easier to remember.

    When to use DB Indexes

    Indexes are something I don’t really think about a lot, but know that they can have dramatic impacts on performance.

    A good rule of thumb is to create database indexes for everything that is referenced in the WHERE, HAVING and ORDER BY parts of your SQL queries. — Igor Šarčević

    You should pretty much add indexes to all foreign keys.

    An index for a certain column/columns in a database works similarly to an index in a book. Instead of scanning every page of a book for all instances of a subject, we flip to the index, which is usually alphabetized in some fashion, and find the subject in there. The subject entry points us to the relevant pages of the book. — source

    Another case is for uniqueness.

    For example, if a users table has a uniqueness validation for combination email and username.

    (i.e. there cannot be more than one user with the same email/username combo)

    Indexing the email attribute will allow our database to abort any save operation on a non-unique email, giving us a second line of defense against the wild users of your site.

    add_index :table_name, [:column_name_a, :column_name_b], unique: true


    Ruby Refinements

    Whenever I’ve had a predifined class and wanted to add/modify a method to it, I’ve always patched it or seen people make a Concern or something.

    Apparently, Ruby has a built in thing for this exactly that is better called Refinements.

    # Instead of a monkey patch
    class String
      def to_a
        return [] if blank?
        str = dup
    # Do this instead
    module StringToArray
      refine String do
        def to_a
          return [] if blank?
          str = dup
    # Then in module or class that you use it
    module ResourceCreator
      using StringToArray

    Git Bisect

    Binary search through your git log to find where you hecked up and introduced a bug.

    This command saved my life. I was trying to debug a really silly error that I couldn’t debug with error messages because the issue happened because a method was added to a core class and the stacktrace was not helpful. git bisect was the ONLY thing that worked.

    Video I watched:

    Git Bisect


    git bisect start
    git bisect bad          # marks current commit doesn't work
    git bisect good d0bf3f6 # specify latest commit that *does* work
    # for each commit given, mark bad or good with
    git bisect bad
    git bisect good
    # when done,
    git bisect reset

    Aside: embed videos in markdown with:

    Bootstrap Modal with Dynamic Content

    For context, I was working on a feature to to allow users to preview the associated thread (in a modal) of each notification from the notifications index page. While the notifications were paginated, the post threads could be very large. The naive approach of just having a modal for each notification was very ineffecient when threads were large and made the page load slow.

    To increase the performace, I wanted to render just one modal and have the content change depending on which notification was clicked.

    This was a little tricky to get timings right for when and what content to load, but this article helped me a lot.

    Eventually I added an auto-scroll to the exact part of the thread that was related to the notification to.